Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ -
What exactly does Metallic Apps specialize in?
Metallic Apps Ltd focuses on Cross-platform Software Application development for individuals, businesses, OEM's, parastatals, government organizations, mobile carriers and platform makers in the mobile industry.
How do I know the cost for a certain project?
Every project is unique in its own requirements and targeted audience/market. This makes it almost impossible to give a specific value for every potential project. However, we tend to strike an honest balance between quality and cost, thereby yielding to an affordable agreement while maintaining our trademark of quality. Contact us here for an initial estimation.
What is involved in the various bussiness Stages?
Once an agreement is reached between Metallic Apps Ltd and its client, all the essential paper works are exchanged, signed and documented. Once this is completed, the project cycle is initialized. While project is on-going and there is need to incur additional information as regards the project, we will contact the client immediately. Also, our project milestone is shared with our clients so that they are aware of the dates for deliverables. This medium can also be used to reinforce communication between both parties so as to promote transparency and awareness.
What happens at the end of each project?
Before we declare any project as completed, we make certain that our client is satisfied with the final look of things. Once the client is happy and has complied fully with his own part of the agreement, the original soft and hard copies of the completed software application is sent (emailed or posted or both) to the client, including a copyright document and the official ownership denial and legal disclaimer from Metallic Apps Ltd. In the case of Nativve Apps, we also offer services such as hosting the completed mobile app online using the following app stores: Google Play, Windows Store, Apple Store, Blackberry World, Samsum App, Windows Phone Store, MTN NextApps and Mobo Market.
How do your clients make payments?
For our domestic clients, we encourage you to make all payments in instalments and into our business account. This would also apply to most foreign clients within Africa, since our bank is also operational in many African countries. For clients outside these territories please contact us to discuss other convenient methods.
Before making any payment, the prospective client is adviced to provide us with the essential details to enable us create an official record, here in Metallic Apps Ltd. These details will include: company name (or personal name or government organization or parastatal name), logo, address, project name etc. In return, we will provide the client with our banking details and a unique reference number through which we can always track all projects and payments. A receipt is sent to the client immediately any payment is acknowledged. Metallic Apps Ltd is a liable company with proven history of transparent professionalism, your case wouldn't be different!